Despite having a less than ideal past, Sundari Sara Mathew is a librarian who finds a way to bring joy to all around her. Her past continues to create trouble. Sundari develops feelings for Victor Neeraj Madhav, the new English teacher, but difficulties are threatening to sour their relationship. However, Sundari needs to get past her past in order to preserve her brighter future. But will the difficulties she is dealing with in her personal life prevent her from leading a happy existence?

Dashed Trail



As Sundari, Aparna excels, skillfully evoking the complex feelings of this independent but lonely lady. She performs it with composure, intensity, and sporadic fieriness. She can show off her versatility in the role’s many nuances, which she does expertly.

Dashed Trail



Neeraj Madhav, who plays Victor with a gentle elegance, steps aside to let Aparna take the stage. He is the kind of charming, nice guy that girls want to fall in love with. He completes his tasks without difficulty, and he also handles any little conflicts or dramatic situations in a way that adds to the airy atmosphere. Without a doubt, Neeraj Madhav is the ideal candidate for the Victor role.

Dashed Trail



Most of the remaining characters have tidbits that help complete the world of their respective leaders. Even though Jude Anthony Joseph’s humour aids in world-building, it lengthens the story.

Dashed Trail

Direction / Technical Side

Direction / Technical Side

With a meet-cute that turns into a friendship, a drunken accident, misunderstandings, realizations, and a happy conclusion, Charlie Davis’ romantic comedy Sundari Gardens has everything you’d expect from a romantic comedy. There are melodramatic sequences and situations in this movie, but the newbie filmmaker handled them superbly. With a few amusing moments interspersed, the plot usually follows a predetermined course.

Dashed Trail

Direction / Technical Side

Direction / Technical Side

Despite the actors’ best efforts, the slow pacing unquestionably affects the story. In light of the emotional arc they go through, the conclusion is straightforward but rewarding. The soundtrack, which consists of a few clumsily inserted upbeat compositions by Alphons Joseph, doesn’t prevent the movie from being a slow affair, even though Swaroop Philip’s photography is one of the few pleasures of the picture.

Dashed Trail
Terrain Map

Verdict; The plot mostly follows a set path, with a few humorous moments sprinkled in. The poor tempo clearly hurts the story despite the actors’ best efforts. Overall, Sundari Gardens is a rom-com that takes its time before coming to a predictable conclusion, still it’s worth for one time watch!