Following his heroic performance in “Baahubali,” Prabhas will next be seen in “Salaar.” One of the year’s most eagerly awaited pan-Indian blockbusters, “Salaar,” starring Prabhas and Prashanth Neel, is now in production. The “KGF” franchise has made Prashanth Neel a household name across the nation, and his working with an established actor like Prabhas has generated a lot of buzz. The actor from Mirchi will be featured in two different looks in Prabhas’ next movie Salaar, according to the most recent reports, suggesting that the story will take place over two separate time periods.
Prabhas will play the title character in “Salaar,” a high-octane action thriller, and Shruti Haasan will play his love interest. Here is everything we currently know about this action movie. It is being created in two halves. Salaar’s Parts 1 and 2 are currently under production together. And according to sources in Hyderabad, Prashanth Neel and Prabhas intend to release the first installment of Salaar on April 14 in 2023, the same day that KGF 2 was released in the North.